Avassys: Visual identity web and print

Avassys - graphic design and visual identity web and print

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In 2013, Andreas Kunz decides to entrust the complete redesign of its website and its visual identity to 3TOON, with a key idea: the superhero.

Hard to imagine a more austere and serious activity than those of specialists in IT solutions for professionals. Yet, this did not prevent members of Avassys to divert the situation to their advantage, blasting all the codes usually associated with their area of activity!

Being fans of comics and the universe of super heroes comics, they decide to adopt an approach of communication for a total differentiation from competitors, by creating a high color universe and where fantasy sweeps the seriousness and the monotony which seemed robust until there.


The different skills and specialties will be now customized by 6 figures of super heroes who are the Avateam.

These 6 heroes will be the graphic basis declined throughout the communication of Avassys, logo and graphic design, web site and declinations print (brochures, business cards, invoices, t-shirts, labels, banners for trade shows, etc.).

After a few months of decline, the verdict is not subject to appeal: Avassys clients enjoy the highest point, and Visual versions of the universe of the Avateam continue month after month. Here are a few samples.

Brochure hardback form BD of 4 pages

The first steps of the heroes of the Avateam are in the form of a 4 page comic that acts as commercial brochure distributed to clients and prospects of Avassys. A debut that will be quickly followed by many variations…

Shirt-BD-Avassys-with-flaps [widgetkit id=2533]

Complete redesign of the website

After the booklet is the website which is completely redesigned, and the design is essentially based on the original illustrations featuring 6 heroes of the Avateam.

AVASSYS - homepage of the completely redesigned site

Business cards

All Avassys employees then receive their new cards, in the colours of the Avateam.


Labels of honeypots!

In a process of awareness of its engineers to the importance of ecology within their profession, Avassys has implemented several hives in Beaujolais and in the Loire. This results each year to the production of a series of jars of honey that are the delight of their loyal customers! These pots also have right to a design inspired by the Avateam, with a splendid Super-heroic bee…


Computer graphics of the key figures of the company

Rather than a long bulleted list, the key figures of Avassys will be formatted in this infographic in the form of comic strip Board. All business information is well presented, with the spirit of the Avateam in addition.


Charter of the company

To enable their prospects and customers to clearly identify the values and commitments of the company, it is the turn of its Charter to be in image, with the Visual codes of the Avateam.


Some of the many illustrations of the Web site

Below, a sample of the original illustrations created to decorate the home and sections of the site Web of Avassys.

AVASSYS-Captain-Infra-for-recruitment AVASSY-illustration-partnership-Nutanix-2014 AVASSYS-infinite_teaser2 AVASSYS-infinite_teaser1 AVASSYS-infinite_teaser7 AVASSYS-infinite_teaser6 AVASSYS-infinite_teaser10
Avassys Web siteAvassys Web site:

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3TOON Studio

3TOON produit des films et dessins animés publicitaires depuis 1999 pour des marques telles qu'EDF, Air France ou La Poste, ou bien des PME plus modestes comme Bruneau ou OneDirect. Contactez-nous pour discuter de votre projet vidéo.


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    Objectif VENDRE


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    Objectif INFORMER


    L’animation en ligne est un moyen efficace de relever les trois défis de la transmission d’une idée. En effet, comment être sûr que votre message soit à la fois perçu, compris et accepté ?



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    Objectif E-LEARNING


    Vous êtes sur le point de lancer votre offre de e-learning, et vous voulez qu’elle se démarque de la concurrence et atteigne un niveau supérieur ? Alors l’animation est la clé pour y parvenir.


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