Dear pleasures - multimedia Animation for Olympio

Loyal customer of 3TOON since 2001, Olympio association aims to raise any kind of public to civic causes or public health.

Its president, Olivier Katian, thus regularly call to 3TOON to develop multimedia tools that can trigger dialogue and awareness with each of the 150 000 participants attending these events each year.

" /> Association Olympio

Association Olympio

Dear pleasures - multimedia Animation for Olympio

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Association Olympio told 3TOON the realization of many of its tools of citizenship and health awareness.

Loyal customer of 3TOON since 2001, Olympio association aims to raise any kind of public to civic causes or public health.

Its president, Olivier Katian, thus regularly call for the powers of 3TOON to develop multimedia tools that can trigger dialogue and awareness with each of the 150 000 participants attending these events each year.

Below is a sample of this type of programs.

Dear pleasures – broadband announcement
Programme of animation collective, aimed at teenagers, on the risks of dependency.

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Under influence

Under influence

An animation for the prevention of cyber-indoctrination, intended to be presented to an audience of teenagers in the school setting.

Argumentative debates allow participants to express themselves, reveal their fears, expectations and questions via "role plays" who invite them to interpret fictional characters: the manipulator who recruits, the victim into virtual contact with it, finally, a close taking a reason speech.

Under influence
The animation "under influence" generic for l'Association Olympio (without voice)

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What good? (Direction and aims of the school)

What good?

"The question of the meaning of the school is in the heart of the concerns of our society. Many students and parents of students waiting above all the school guarantee a job.

Also, when the link between training and employment will no longer self, youth have chances to live the school as a constraint, a place empty of meaning, source of boredom and expectations disappointed, especially when academic failure leads to social exclusion."

An animation on the meaning and the goals of the school.

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At yours! Health! (Alcohol - alcohol and road)

At yours! Health!

"Alcohol abuse destroyed to small fire organization and may have, in addition, tragic consequences for others, including on the road; and the entourage, because alcohol makes aggressive.

We must therefore reason keep and restrict to the maximum consumption of alcohol; If not, do not drink.

This prevention is essential against a risk that should further know that the invitation is common to "lift the elbow", having exchanged a paradoxical "to yours… Health!"

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Code of conduct (psychology of the driver)

Code of conduct

Among the training materials developed by Olympio, "Code of conduct" is a tool particularly suited to high school students and young adults.

The approach can generate a reflection – through role – playing on the behavior type of road users, and thus show how, in the Act of driving, how to be in life and psychological state are also prominently – or even more – the knowledge of the code…

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Over time (an active life at any age)

Over time

Over the years: one that connects our birth to our death. A gradual aging.

First we want parents to take us too long for babies then it is looks that adults focus on adolescence before recrimination against the undertaking does not trust young people.

Ageism (discrimination and disregard of the fact of age) starts early!

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We will be with netizens

We will be with netizens

Strengthen ethics, good manners and mind critique on the "network of networks", such is the ambition of this collective animation media.

Because everything seems easy, easy, free… the surfer. It has the illusion of a world apart, whereas there is nothing.

If we want the Net to be our tool, control and service of our needs, in a democratic and respectful of each other, meaning he must tackle the task.

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Pitbull (harassment between students)


The bullying (bully in English: "tyrant"), refers to a physical or psychological violence perpetrated repeatedly, in a relationship of domination and humiliation, against a person who will have more difficult to escape.

The "cyberbullying" – via the internet – is a recent form.

The bullying is therefore not limited to aggression or the conflict because they do not necessarily induce repetition and dominant-dominated relationship.

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Free fall (prevention of dropping out)

Free fall

The "tale" that underlies the animation shows five young people who makes a repeated absenteeism of exclusion continued problematic behavior or a voluntary abandonment of the school have included a 'class relay'.

It has enrolled in an internship of paragliding in the course of which the intervener met and filmed.

An animation for the prevention of early school leaving.

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Not C not (dare ask the forbidden)

No, it's not!

Saying "this is as that and not otherwise", adult poses the framework which will allow the young to find his own path. Still need that 'No' is educational, motivated and included; the adult is able to explain the why of his forbidden; and that 'No' is positive, so along with an alternative proposal; Finally, that 'No' is legitimate.

"No it is not" allows parents as educators to analyze and compare their behaviours in familiar situations. as youth, they measure how much a 'No' just pronounced, is a mark of respect and love.

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Ptolemy's Agency Web siteThe Olympio association Web site:

Contact 3TOON for a request for information

3TOON Studio

3TOON produit des films et dessins animés publicitaires depuis 1999 pour des marques telles qu'EDF, Air France ou La Poste, ou bien des PME plus modestes comme Bruneau ou OneDirect. Contactez-nous pour discuter de votre projet vidéo.


    Air France - La boutique en plein ciel


    Air France fait la promotion des ventes à bord de ses avions avec ce tour du monde en dessin animé.

    La Poste et sa filiale Maileva - la tétralogie


    La Poste commande 4 dessins animés pour une gigantesque opération d’e-mail marketing sur 300 000 contacts professionnels.

    Spot télévisé Société Générale


    Spot télévisé pour une campagne de communication sur le partenariat “assurance” réalisé avec le groupe Axa.

    Sanofi Aventis - Adieu le palu !


    Sanofi Aventis lance une campagne de prévention du paludisme à l'aide de ce dessin animé éducatif sous forme de conte musical.

    EDF - Lumière sur la facture


    EDF met les choses au point au sujet de sa nouvelle facturation en euro...


    Dessin animé 2D


    Pureté de la ligne et des couleurs pour un message synthétique et direct.

    Animation 3D - images de synthèse


    L’image de synthèse offre toute la liberté permise par l’animation, en y ajoutant un degré de réalisme proche de celui des prises de vues réelles.

    Motion Design


    Le motion design est avant tout un style d’animation qui combine des éléments visuels, du texte et des effets sonores pour raconter une histoire ou communiquer des idées complexes.

    Cartes animées


    Les cartes animées restent toujours aussi populaires auprès des internautes grâce à la personnalisation qu'elles offrent, surtout quand arrive le moment de souhaiter la bonne année.

    BD (Bandes Dessinées)


    Grâce à la BD, votre message peut toucher votre public par un média différent et vous améliorez ainsi la couverture de votre communication.


    Objectif VENDRE


    VENDRE ! C’est la priorité numéro 1 de toute entreprise commerciale ! Découvrez comment vos vidéos peuvent vous y aider.

    Objectif INFORMER


    L’animation en ligne est un moyen efficace de relever les trois défis de la transmission d’une idée. En effet, comment être sûr que votre message soit à la fois perçu, compris et accepté ?



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    Objectif E-LEARNING


    Vous êtes sur le point de lancer votre offre de e-learning, et vous voulez qu’elle se démarque de la concurrence et atteigne un niveau supérieur ? Alors l’animation est la clé pour y parvenir.


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